OK, we all have them. You know, those friends who put you to shame on Fb by posting all of the AMAZING things they do with their kids. Some call them Pinterest moms, and some call them annoying. I just CALL them! If you have a friend who has that creative bug, don’t be mad at them – take advantage of the fact that they are testing out all of these activities for you!
That’s exactly what I did in this case! My friend, Charlene, seeks out fun and interesting activities to keep her little ball of fire busy and constantly learning. She was nice enough to write up her how-to on creating a “Little Witch’s Brew” with YOUR little one. Totally easy, but very exciting for little hands.
Thanks, Charlene!
I just LOVE October, it is probably my favorite month of the year. With Halloween, fall festivals, cooler weather and pumpkin everything, how could one not appreciate the awesomeness that is October. I also feel like this month brings a plethora of easy, fun activities to do with kids that are Halloween themed. Thanks to Pinterest, I have found a lot of great ideas to keep my almost 4-year-old busy during that dreaded witching hour. Amazingly, I also actually crafted an activity with my own creative juices last year. I call it “Little Witch’s Brew”. My daughter loved it so much last year that I decided to put it together again this year and actually take enough pictures to share with others. I hope you have as much fun doing this with your little one as we did! Happy Halloween!
These are items suggested for the project, but feel free to add and subtract what you or your child want:
-Candies, sprinkles, spices, dried herbs, rice, beans, etc. (this is a great time to pull expired items out of the pantry and let the kids enjoy putting them to good use)
-Baking Soda
-Black Caldron (we bought ours at The Dollar Tree) or any sturdy bowl
-Large Spoon
Ready to play! We had expired cookie sprinkles, skittles, tic tacs, and chocolate candies.
The baking soda and vinegar mixture makes for some fun brewing! The fizzing really gives it the effect of a special potion. I had to refill her vinegar measuring cup a few times.
Adding tic tacs!
The brew started to turn a beautiful purple color. My daughter noticed that it had a really sweet smell due to the candies and was excited to make everyone sniff it.
Final product, a funky looking mixture that smells real sweet! You may end up with a more savory scent if you go with spices and seasonings. Let the kids try different mixtures!
The post Halloween Kid Activity – Little Witch’s Brew! appeared first on Fit Foodie Mom.